Mrs. Girard's Class Blog

Just another weblog

The Lion’s Kitchen By: Andy Z January 29, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — girardje @ 2:51 pm

On Saturday at 6:00 AM breakfast was served. Giant Lion turned on the Waffle Irons, one was cold.  His mom tried to fix it, but Giant Lion’s Son Sittle Looked For a way to fix it. The door to the control area was hot and water was leaking out the threw the door crack. Sittles mom Bickster came with a long skinny waterstick and a hose. Bickster held the hose over the sink well Pupper pulled the trigger. Water came spilling down the sink, it was 500 degrees F. it keeped comming out  until Giant’s mom went to the curcit breakers she shut off the well off. The water was all gone. Giant Lion opened the door found a cut hose, Pupper went to the store got a new hose. the hose was fixed and the well was on. THE END

The problem was the hot water heated the Waffle iron.